Tri Laksmana Astraatmadja
I am currently a postdoctoral research at the Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA), working under the supervision of Coryn Bailer-Jones who is leading the Gaia group of the MPIA. My research is focused on the development of machine-learning algorithms to perform automatic classification of stars observed by Gaia, and to extract interesting astrophysical parameters from them.
My PhD was performed at the Leiden Institute of Physics (or LION, Leids Instituut voor Onderzoek in de Natuurkunde) and also at the National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Nikhef), Amsterdam. My PhD research was concentrated on the prospect and methods of detecting TeV Gamma-rays from GRBs using the the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope. I work under the supervision of Maarten de Jong.
Before starting my PhD at LION and Nikhef, I did my master education at Leiden Observatory and my bachelor at the Department of Astronomy, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia.
Departemen Fisika UI mendapat kunjungan Dr. Trilaksmana Astraatmadja, Postdoctoral Fellow di Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Jerman.
Dr. Tri Laksmana akan memberikan presentasi tentang:
1. Topik riset: Cahaya bintang di dasar lautan: Teleskop Neutrino ANTARES dan fungsi gandanya sebagai teleskop sinar gamma (abstrak terlampir)
2. Sekilas informasi tentang peluang-peluang studi S3 dan riset postdoctoral di Max Planck Institute.
Tempat: Ruang Seminar Utama Departemen Fisika FMIPA UI, Depok
Waktu: Jum'at, 23 Agustus 2013, jam 09.00-11.00
Untuk sekilas info profil pembicara, saya quote pesan FB dari Dr. Suharyo Sumowidagdo:
"Dr. Tri Laksmana Astraatmadja ini adalah teman akrab saya. Kami bertemu di CERN di minggu pertama kami di sana, Januari 2009. Tri tengah menghadiri Collaboration Meeting eksperimen beliau ANTARES, sementara saya sendiri baru datang darI Fermilab/US untuk bekerja di eksperimen CMS. Kami berdua juga pernah travelling bersama di Amsterdam, Lyon, Annecy, dan Swiss (Lugano, Nufenenpass)"
Kepada rekan-rekan dosen, mahasiwa S1, S2, S3, dan para alumni Fisika UI diimbau kehadiran Anda untuk menghidupkan kembali atmosfer akademik di Fisika UI pasca libur lebaran ini.
M. Aziz Majidi, Ph.D.
Theoretical/Computational Condensed Matter Physics Group
Department of Physics
FMIPA University of Indonesia
Depok 16424, INDONESIA
Phone: (021) 7872610 (main office), (021) 36747571 (mobile)
Fax: (021) 7863441
M. Aziz Majidi, Ph.D.
Theoretical/Computational Condensed Matter Physics Group
Department of Physics
FMIPA University of Indonesia
Depok 16424, INDONESIA
Phone: (021) 7872610 (main office), (021) 36747571 (mobile)
Fax: (021) 7863441
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