Joao Goulart pernah memegang jabatan sbg. Presiden Brasilia mulai th.1961. Baru sekitar 3 tahun berkuasa,
oleh Junta Militer dikudeta pada th.1964 dan meninggal sbg. pelarian politik th.1976.
Diduga kuat, bhw Joao Goulart yang berhaluan kiri meninggal akibat diracun oleh agen Junta Militer, yang melancarkan apa yang dikenal dengan istilah "Operasi Condor" yg didukung CIA /AS.
Indonesia bisa banyak belajar dari negara2 Amerika Latin spt. Argentina dan Brazilia, yang sekarang ini sedang membuka proses hukum untuk menuntaskan masalah Pelanggaran HAM Berat masa lalu.
# Revelations about Condor
The dictatorships and their intelligence services were responsible for tens of thousands of killed and missing people in the period between 1975 and 1985. Analyzing the political repression in the region during that decade, Brazilian journalist Nilson Mariano estimates the number of killed and missing people as 2,000 in Paraguay; 3,196 in Chile; 297 in Uruguay; 366 in Brazil; and 30,000 in Argentina.[10]
The so-called "Terror Files", which were discovered in 1992 by former Paraguayan political prisoner Martin Almada in Lambare, Paraguay, document higher numbers.
On 22 December 1992, torture victim Martin Almada and José Fernández, a Paraguayan judge, visited a police station in the Lambaré suburb of Asunción to look for files on a former political prisoner. They found what became known as the "terror archives" (Portuguese: Arquivos do Terror), documenting the fates of thousands of Latin Americans political prisoners, who were secretly kidnapped, tortured and killed by the security services of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. The archive has a total of 60,000 documents, weighing 4 tons and comprising 593,000 microfilmed pages.[11] Southern Cone Operation Condor resulted in up to 50,000 killed; 30,000 "disappeared"; and 400,000 arrested and imprisoned.[12] Some of these countries have relied on evidence in the archives to prosecute former military officers.[13][14]
According to these archives, other countries, such as Peru, cooperated by providing intelligence information in response to requests from the security services of the Southern Cone nations. While Peru had no representatives at the secret November 1975 meeting in Santiago de Chile, there is evidence of its involvement. For instance, as late as June 1980, Peru was known to have collaborated with Argentine agents of 601 Intelligence Battalion in the kidnapping, torture and "disappearance" of a group of Montoneros living in exile in Lima.[15]
The "terror archives" also revealed a degree of cooperation by Colombia and Venezuela. (For instance, Luis Posada Carriles was probably at the meeting that ordered Orlando Letelier's car bombing). A Colombian paramilitary organization known as Alianza Americana Anticomunista may have cooperated with Operation Condor.[citation needed] Brazil signed the agreement later (June 1976), but refused to engage in actions outside Latin America.[13]
Mexico, together with Costa Rica, Canada, France, the UK, Spain and Sweden received many people fleeing as refugees from the terror regimes. Operation Condor officially ended when Argentina ousted the military dictatorship in 1983 (following its defeat in the Falklands War) and restored democracy.
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Betreff: [GELORA45] Brazil exhumes ex-president Joao Goulart
Datum: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 21:58:12 +0100
Von: "Sunny" <>
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Brazil exhumes ex-president Joao Goulart

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff (left), the widow of the deceased ex-president, Maria Tereza Goulart (centre) and ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, chat during the ceremony. Photo: AFP
Brasilia: The remains of former Brazilian President João Goulart were exhumed on Thursday and flown to Brasilia to determine whether he was poisoned by agents of the right-wing military regime that deposed him in 1964.
Goulart's coffin was received at an air force base in the capital with a 21-gun salute and full funeral honours that Brazil's military dictatorship denied the former president, a leftist, upon his death in 1976.
The exhumation and Thursday's ceremony, attended by President Dilma Rousseff and three other former heads of state, is part of an effort by Brazil's leftist government to answer unresolved questions about murders, kidnappings and other human rights abuses during the dictatorship, which ended in 1985.
When Goulart died, Brazil's government said the official cause of death was a heart attack, suffered at his ranch in neighbouring Argentina.
But his family in 2007 called on Brazilian authorities to investigate statements by a Uruguayan intelligence officer who said he had been part of a plot to kill Goulart by tampering with his medication.
At the time, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Brazil were all ruled by military dictatorships that often collaborated in tracking down and eliminating leftist opponents. In what came to be known as a "dirty war," tens of thousands of leftist sympathisers and other perceived enemies of the regimes disappeared across South America.
Goulart was buried in his home state of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil. There, beginning on Wednesday, forensic experts worked 18 hours to remove his remains from a family mausoleum so they could be flown to Brasilia for tests.
The investigation is being conducted by a Truth Commission set up by Ms Rousseff to look into abuses during the dictatorship. Ms Rousseff herself was imprisoned and tortured by the regime as a young woman for her role in an urban guerrilla group.
"Brazil is reconnecting with its history today," Ms Rousseff said in a Twitter message. She noted that Goulart was the only Brazilian president to die in exile and under still uncertain circumstances.
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